Here is the new (to me) Ercoupe in its “home” for a while. GED is fairly close to our home and is far enough inland that salt air should not be a problem. I like Ocean City Airport and used to keep my former ‘Coupe in a hangar there – but there is now a very long waiting list for hangars, and I didn’t want to tie down on a ramp so close to the Atlantic Ocean. Here at, Delaware Coastal Airport the airplane is 15 miles from the ocean and will stay a lot cleaner and not be subject to the corrosive salt air.
Ercoupe Personal Bank Checks are now available direct from the manufacturer.
Ercoupe Personal Bank Checks
These are, obviously, based on pictures of one particular Ercoupe. However, other than color scheme, these are representative of the Ercoupe (Aircoupe, Alon, Mooney M10) fleet that still remains airworthy and actually flying today. The Ercoupe featured on these checks was manufactured in Riverdale, Maryland, in August of 1946. It still takes to the skies several times every month. These Ercoupe Checks start at only $22.99 a box for singles (duplicates are a bit higher).
There are usually also matching Ercoupe Address Labels available for only a few extra dollars:
Ercoupe Address Labels that match the Ercoupe Personal Bank Checks
Note that these are also representative of the Aircoupe and Alon versions of the original Ercoupe. There might, however, be slight variations observable, especially with the canopy mounting/sliding arrangement of the Alon. These are the only personal checks available (that we know of) with images of our favorite antique airplane.
Note that we mention the Mooney M-10 above. The Mooney variation still resembles an Ercoupe for the first half of the production run. Then they (Mooney) removed the “twin-tail” and replaced it with the traditional look of the Mooney “reverse” vertical stabilizer (and, some say, ruined the handling of a fine performing aircraft).
Short video of a crosswind landing at a general aviation airport.
Ercoupe 415-C landing and first attempt at video with a FLIP (which did not do a good job with the propeller). The landing was good in a slight crosswind of 12 KTS Gusting to 18. Harford County (0W3) Airport is a great base for our Ercoupe with an interesting array of aircraft, maintenance service and friendly staff.